CrossRef announcement on changes in DOI display guidelines
Ed Pentz, Executive Director
CrossRefWe very rarely change CrossRef DOI display guidelines, in part because we understand that a change on our end likely means more work on your end as you update the way DOI links are displayed in your publications. Here is a brief explanation of why, what, and when it will happen:
Why: We believe these changes are necessary in order to respond to the need for more secure browsing with “https:”, and to harmonize our guidelines with those of the International DOI Foundation.
What: The changes are to drop “dx” from DOI links and to use “https:” rather than “http:”. An example of the new best practice in displaying a CrossRef DOI is: As always, the DOI should be written as a hyperlink.
When: We are asking that you adopt the new guidelines by March 2017
Explanation of the reasons in detail for the change in guidelines in a recent post on the CrossRef blog.