Council of Asian Science Editors

Address by CASE President

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Zakaria Zuriati

IKM, Malaysia

It is with great honor and humility that I stand before you as the newly elected 6th President of this prestigious organization. I am truly grateful for the trust and confidence you have placed in me to lead CASE. I am also happy that CASE have embraced the concept of diversity and inclusivity by electing me, a woman from a developing country as their President.

CASE plays a vital role in shaping the landscape of scientific research and knowledge dissemination in Asia and beyond. CASE priority has always be to enhance the quality and impact of scientific publications originating from Asia, to strive for excellence in editorial standards, transparency in peer review processes, and adhere to ethical guidelines. Through these efforts, we can bolster the credibility and trustworthiness of Asian scientific research.

It is important to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among our members and partners, forging strong partnerships with other scientific organizations, institutions, and funding agencies, to amplify our collective impact, drive interdisciplinary research, and address pressing societal challenges facing our region.
Through networking and training, we hope to improve journals from developing countries so that the vast disparity between those from developed countries will be reduced.

CASE can serve as a platform to nurture the next generation of Asian editors to be more competent in publishing journals by exposing them to the latest publishing practices of renowned publishers.

I look forward to working with all of you towards our shared vision of a brighter, more inclusive, and sustainable future for science in Asia. Thank you.


Dr. Zuriati Zakaria
President of the Council of Asian Science Editors