The CASE executive board meeting (EB) was held during 2017 CASE international conference (4th Asian Science Editors’ Conference and Workshop) on July 6-7, 2017 at Nong Lam University in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Numerous reports, approval, future plans, and proposals on CASE have been discussed:
Hosting international events (the CASE conference) with the Asia Pacific Association of Medical Journal Editors (APAME) has been suggested, where details will be discussed at the EB meeting in 2018. Also, publishing the Science Editing journal with APAME was agreed.
The background of Asean Citation Index (ACI) was explained and co-work has been proposed.
The initiation of Indonesian Association of Science Editors (IASE) establishment is in progress, and it is supported by directorate of journal facilitation, ministry of research, technology, and higher education, Indonesia and Rector of Bogor Agricultural University.
Information on the forthcoming 5th Asian Science Editors Conference and Workshop 2018 were presented, which will be held on July 18-19, 2018 at IPB International Convention Center, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia.
Finally, addition of members from other countries, such as India, China, and Asia-Oceania was encouraged.