Council of Asian Science Editors
1. 2022 12th Regular General Assembly and Conference (online, January 21-22)
Keynote: Metaverse Era, Future of Research and Innovation in Academic Publishing, Jeehyun Kim (Vice President, SK mySUNI)
Oral presentation: What do Crossref Ambassadors do? Jae Hwa Chang (Crossref South Korea Ambassador; Infolumi)
Group photo of the 12th regular general assembly and conference in 2022
Post-conference workshop (Online, January 22) Subject: Domestic academic journal index database registration and use of Google Scala
2. Training course and services for Manuscript Editors
Basic Course for Manuscript Editors (Online, March 10 – April 28)
6th Online Korean Manuscript Editor Certification Exam (July 15)
Manuscript Editor Online Workshop (November 3)
3. Publication Ethics Online Workshop
(April 22) Subject: Latest knowledge of research and publication ethics
(August 5) Subject: Peer review and publication ethics
(November 25) Subject: Difficult publishing ethics and solutions
Publishing Ethics Online Workshop (2022-E02) group photo
4. Editor’s Online Workshop
(May 28)
– Controversy over predatory journals surrounding MDPI, Cheol-Heui Yun (Chair of Publication Ethics Committee, KCSE; Seoul National University)
– Data publication, Tae-Sul Seo (Chair of the Information Management Committee, KCSE; Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
– Protocol publication Soo Young Kim (Chair of the Education and Training Committee, KCSE; Hallym University)
– POSI (Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure), Kihong Kim (Chair of the Publication Committee, KCSE; Ajou University)
– Programs that can avoid similarity checks and countermeasures against them, Sun Huh (President, KCSE; Hallym University)
– Issues related to duplicate publication, Hye-Min Cho (Chair of the Manuscript Editing Committee, KCSE; InfoLumi)
Editors’ Online Workshop (2022-A02) group photo
(December 14)
– Peer review types and selection, Sun Huh (President, KCSE; Hallym University)
– Predatory journals, Soo Young Kim (Chair of the Education and Training Committee, KCSE; Hallym University)
– Transparency principle, Hye-Min Cho (Chair of the Manuscript Editing Committee, KCSE; InfoLumi)
– Latest findings on research and publication ethics, Cheol-Heui Yun (Chair of the Publication Ethics Committee, KCSE; Seoul National University)
– Latest knowledge related to international DB registration: (1) PMC, Sue Kim (Chair of the Planning and Administration Committee, KCSE; Yonsei University)
– Latest knowledge related to international DB registration: (2) Scopus, SCIE, Bae Ho Park (Chair of the External Affairs Committee, KCSE; Konkuk University)
– Key points in journal policy decision-making, Kihong Kim (Chair of the Publication Committee, KCSE; Ajou University)
– Open science key points for editors, Tae-Sul Seo (Chair of the Information Management Committee, KCSE; Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
5. Online workshop for listing on Scopus (October 27-28)
– Terms related to academic publication, Kihong Kim (Chair of Publication Committee, KCSE; Ajou University)
– Scopus listing criteria, Bae Ho Park (Chair of External Affairs Committee, KCSE; Konkuk University)
– Editorial policy related to journal publication, Hye-Min Cho (Chair of Manuscript Editing Committee, KCSE; InfoLumi)
Session 1 (Humanities)
– Things to consider when listing on Scopus (problems in humanities academic journals), Leihanne Kimberly Yuh (Korea University)
– Scopus listing experience (humanities), Eun-a KIM (Sungkyunkwan University)
Session 2 (Social Science)
– Things to consider when listing on Scopus (problems in social science journals), Chung Kyongmee (Yonsei University)
– Scopus listing experience (humanities), ByeongJo Kim (Seoul National University)
Session 3 (Natural science and engineering)
– Things to consider when listing on Scopus (problems in natural science and engineering journals), Jang, Ho Won (Seoul National University)
– Scopus listing experience (natural science and engineering), Jae Heon Yun (Chungbuk National University)
Session 4 (Medicine, agriculture, and life science)
– Things to consider when listing on Scopus (problems in medicine, agriculture, and life science journals), Sun Huh (President, KCSE; Hallym University)
– Scopus listing experience (medicine, Agriculture, and life science), Sun Huh (President KCSE; Hallym University)
Session 5 (Integrated)
– Reorganization of academic journals and websites, Hye-Min Cho (Chair of the Manuscript Editing Committee, KCSE; InfoLumi)